Flower Care

Having fresh flowers is always a great feeling, but how do I make them last??? Lets dive into the do's and don'ts when it comes to making our gorgeous bouquets last...

Don'ts- Put your bouquet in direct sunlight and/or heat. While the sun can be great for your garden, the sun and heat will cause your perfect bouquet to continue to mature. Instead...

Do's- Keep your bouquet in a cool location, but not right in front of the A/C. This may be on your dinner table, TV stand, counter top, or anywhere else there is some natural shade.

Don'ts- Keep the same water in your vase. Over time the water can become dirty from the bacteria. Flowers + water= a great home for bacteria so instead...

Do's- Change your water. Every couple days give your vase a fresh drink of water and cut the ends of your stems. Flowers do not like the dirty water that accumulates over time. 

And the most important...

Do's- ENJOY THEM! You've received the gorgeous bouquet for a reason so enjoy the look, smell, and happiness they bring! 


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