What to look for in a Floral Designer

Usually we google "floral designer near me" and select the closest from the list. Easy right? But what if we really dive into picking the best one for us? Just like picking your gym facility, your Dentist, or even your child's daycare you want to put the same research and time into selecting your Floral Designer. 

What to look for...

  • Professionalism

    • Just as you would in other settings, your designer should be representing themselves and their business as any other professional would. This includes answer the phone appropriately and showing responsibility.

  • Accuracy

    • Make sure you are getting what you are ordering. Keeping in mind that substitutions to certain product is necessary at times, but this should be discussed with you prior.

  • Availability

    • Nobody likes a place that is always closed or never able to take your order. Find someone consistent to meet your needs.

  • Knowledge

    • If you need help or have questions, your designer should be able to answer your questions and be able to offer suggestions to you.

  • Skill

    • How does the end product look? Does it look like what you envisioned or requested? Again, substitutions to product is sometimes needed, but this should not take away from the overall look.

  • Respect

    • As human beings we should all be respectful to one another. A respectful tone of voice when speaking, respectful body language, and a respectful attitude should always be present.

Why does this matter...

When you order your flower arrangement(s) you are getting it for someone you care about. You want this to be the very best work they've received. Would you want your loved one to receive an "OK" arrangement for full price? I don't think so. Lets do our research and support a floral designer who meets our needs.


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